Live Your Dream Life Now AND Later: A 2-Day Deep Dive into Money Mastery For Those Who WANT IT ALL!

October 8th & 9th, 2024

Join 10+ expert speakers as we talk all things MONEY!

A Special Invite from Erinn

What if your business didn’t just pay the bills, but actually funded the life you’ve always dreamed of—RIGHT NOW?
Building wealth does not have to be a far off or an out-of-reach goal.

Imagine using your business to not only MAKE MORE MONEY but to live more FULLY, enjoying everything from spontaneous trips and, yes, even that luxury coffee subscription.

In two transformative days, we’re going to show you how to MAXIMIZE your business income and use it strategically so you can live expansively today and set yourself up for long-term wealth tomorrow.

The Money Summit is where you’ll discover how to enjoy your money NOW!

Forget the old narrative of cut-backs and sacrifice. The Money Summit is all about stepping into your power, making more money, and using it to create the life you want NOW!


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FREE admission





What's Included:
  • LIVE Q&A Masterclass Access
  • Exclusive Workbook + Planner


What's Included:
  • LIVE Q&A Masterclass Access
  • Lifetime access to recorded masterclasses
  • Exclusive Workbook + Planner
  • Special Speaker tools and resources
  • Invite to Exclusive Panel Access on Thursday 10/3 at 11am EST

$97 $47

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Money can be FUN & SEXY!

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But let’s be real—most people think money talk is HEAVY! Maybe you’ve avoided diving deep into your finances because it’s overwhelming or uncomfy. Or maybe there’s a bit of shame or frustration tied up in your money situation. You’re not alone. A lot of us feel this way, and it can be isolating. But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be like this!!!

This summit isn’t about “cutting back” or waiting for a “better time.” It’s about making MORE money and learning how to use it to fuel your values, passions, and dream life RIGHT NOW!
We’re bringing together top experts who’ve been where you are, and they’re going to share the strategies that helped them turn their businesses into wealth-building machines.

Experience empowering teachings on a positive money mindset to enhance and strengthen your relationship with money.

Be equipped with applicable strategies to grow your business

Feel less taboo and isolated with the topic of money

Gain financial literacy in critical areas to allow you to use your business as a tool to grow wealth

At The Money Summit, you’ll get the tools, knowledge, and mindset to transform how you think about and manage money.

And for just $47 you can invest in the tools these experts use and lifetime access to their juicy trainings!!!

From Founder To Funder: A Fireside Chat on Angel Investing

Ellen Yin

The Speakers

How YouTube Can Give You Marketing Freedom

Stephanie Kase

Foundations of Sales Psychology

Kenda Laney

From Debt to Done: 3 Steps to Master Your Money!

Rachel Covert

The Ultimate Investing Formula: ABC's and 123's

Shani Tené

Make Your Credit Cards Work for You: How Business Owners Can Leverage Points and Miles for Nearly Free Vacations

amanda Keane

The Host

Erinn Bridgman

Heal Your Money Karma and Make Bank

paula Crossfield

Systematize Your Way to a Wealthy Life

Alane Giantti

Rewiring Your Money Mind: Unlock Financial Freedom with Hypnotherapy

emily king

A Seat at the Table: Secrets of Wealthy Entrepreneurs

Brittney Suttle

Personal Money Mastery
The Business Numbers You Need to Know

Over these two days, you’ll learn practical, actionable strategies to help you grow your business income and build REAL WEALTH. 

Here’s a peek at what you’ll experience:

detailed agenda coming soon!

It’s not just about learning—it’s about connecting. You’ll virtually interact and be part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are all on the same journey, sharing insights, supporting each other, and growing together.

I’m a money mindset and management coach, podcaster, and real estate investor...and I’ve made knowing the ins-and-outs of finances kiiind of my thing.

I believe that your dreams are directly tied to your relationship with money, and that female entrepreneurs are able to change history for women and money. That’s why I created a judgment-free zone where women like you can trade the shame and money skeletons in your closets for empowerment and certainty to help you master your money for a more secure tomorrow.

If you’ve been looking for a no-bullshit cheerleader who can coach you through the mystery of your numbers—then you’ve come to the right place.

Meet Your Host


Get the full scoop on erinn
ask erinn

Have another question?

What is the date and will there be replays?

How much are the tickets?

This is a virtual summit only. We do value community and connection so we will strive to create a virtual experience with as much connection as possible!

Is this online or in person?

Who is the event for?

What is the date and will there be replays?

How much are the tickets?

Access to the virtual summit is FREE, but if you are unable to attend the full time or want the option of rewatching any of the trainings, we recommend purchasing the VIP ticket at $47. If you choose to purchase after The Money Summit, the price increases to $97. With the VIP ticket you will also receive special speaker tools & resources that the speakers have contributed to help you implement what you learn at the summit!

Is this online or in person?

Who is the event for?

What is the date and will there be replays?

How much are the tickets?

This is a TWO day virtual event on October 8th & 9th. There will only be replays available with lifetime access to those who purchase the VIP ticket.

Is this online or in person?

Who is the event for?

What is the date and will there be replays?

How much are the tickets?

The event is for female entrepreneurs who are doing well in business financially and want to master their money to work for them both NOW and LATER.

Is this online or in person?

Who is the event for?

Tell me what’s on your mind

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I'm so ready

Click below to reserve your spot and start your journey to a richer, more expansive life.

Grab your ticket to The Money Summit and take the first step toward financial freedom.

Ready to turn your business into a wealth-building machine and start living your dream life now?